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Princes’ Islands Tranquil Retreat near Constantinople


Moda Burnu, the protruding promontory nestled between two bays, is a favored residence for the British colony in Constantinople. Offering a breathtaking panorama of Stambul, the Sea of Marmara, and the Islands, it serves as a tranquil escape.

Discovering the Princes’ Islands

The Princes’ Islands, known as Kizil Adalar by the Turks, comprise nine isles, but only four are inhabited and accessible by steamers—Proti, Antigoni, Halki, and Prinkipo Chalcedon.

Situated approximately 12 miles south of Constantinople, in the Sea of Marmara, these islands were formerly called Bemonesi and Papadonesi by the Byzantines. Historically, they functioned as places of exile for deposed emperors and troublesome princes. The Turks bestowed the name Kizil Adalar, referencing the islands’ red soil.

Exploring the Inhabited Islands

Proti, the closest to Constantinople, once hosted the British fleet under Vice-Admiral Duckw



Ancient Heritage along the Bosporus

The bubbling spring surrounded by trees near the railway station marks the location of the ancient Hermagoras. Haidar Pasha Plain serves as the gathering point for troops heading to the front on the Asiatic side. This vast plain is a cherished spot for Moslems and Oriental Christians on St. George’s Day, following the Greek Calendar (corresponding to May 5th). On this day, people from neighboring suburbs converge to celebrate the arrival of spring with a picnic feast featuring roast lamb.

A Historic Meeting Ground

Kadi Keui, adjacent to Haidar Pasha, occupies the site of ancient Chalcedon and is a preferred residence for British and other European residents in Constantinople. Steamers regularly commute between Galata Bridge and Kadi Keui almost every half-hour, from sunrise to sunset.

Echoes of Chalcedon’s Past

Ancient Chalcedon, once a rival to Byzantium, dates back to 685 B.C. An oracle famously r

Maritime Landmarks Bosporus


Maritime Landmarks and Legends along the Bosporus

The prominent square yellow structure neighboring the cemetery, visible from the sea, is Selimieh Barracks. It stands on the grounds where Sultan Murad IV’s summer palace once existed. Sultan Selim III transformed it into a barracks for his Nizam jedid (New Regulars) in 1807. The Janissaries, in their rebellion against Selim III, set fire to the palace, leading to the construction of the current building under Sultan Mahmud II.

From Royal Retreat to Military Hub

Leander’s Tower, known as Khiz Kuleh (the Maiden’s Tower) in Turkish, is a square lighthouse perched on a submerged rock off Skutari Princes’ Islands Tranquil Retreat near Constantinople, serving as a prominent landmark in Constantinople’s waters. The name ‘Leander’s Tower’ originated from the Crusaders and has no association with the l

Adana’s Aspirations


Adana’s Aspirations Through the Voices of Its People

Chairman of GUKTOB (Union of Tourism Hotels in Cukurova) and Owner of Zaimoglu Hotel Shares Insights

Adana’s dedicated residents, striving to propel the city into a tourist destination Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled, express their thoughts:

Tourism Potential and Infrastructure

“When we assess Adana’s current potential, we find a well-established tourism infrastructure, historical landmarks, and accommodations ranging from five-star hotels to boardinghouses. The only missing element is the sea. While we have the sea, the lack of facilities hinders its utilization. Presently, private sector efforts drive our promotions, but this alone falls short. External factors, such as the Gulf Crisis and misconceptions fueled by foreign media coverage of Incirlik Air Base, have adversely affecte

Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled


Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled

Adana’s Mythical Origins and Historical Significance

According to mythology, Adana traces its roots to the wars between “Adanus” and “Sarus,” the sons of the god of skies, battling the people of Tarsus. The region was named “Adania” after Adanus. The fertility bestowed by the Taurus Mountains’ rivers—Seyhan, Ceyhan, and Berdan—has made the Cukurova Region (Cilicia) significant for millennia. Despite facing challenges from migrations, Adana remains a prominent city Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage, often recognized as the fourth largest in Turkey.

A Modern Revitalization Effort

In recent years, Adana faced a loss of contemporary appeal due to significant migrations, particularly from Southwest Anatolia. However, determined efforts by local administrations, social organizations

Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage


TURSAB and TERSAV’s Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage

A significant delegation, including the President of the Turkey Travel Agencies Association (TORSAB) Basaran Ulusoy, TURSAB president advisors Prof. Dr. Refik Duru, and Architect Nur Qapa, along with TURSAB professionals, took part in the 68th-anniversary celebration of the Bergama Kermess. The group engaged in various activities, including the opening of the 1st Bergama Industry and Trade Fair, organized by the Bergama Chamber of Commerce (BTO). Additionally, they conducted an investigative journey to Bergama Acropolis, Kizil Avlu, and the ancient city of Allionai near Bergama Adana’s Aspirations.

Exploring Bergama’s Hidden Treasures: A Promising Journey

During a two-day exploration, the delegation participated in the opening ceremony of the trade fair and ventured into the historical sites of Bergama. The group emphasized the tourism potent

Traditional Silk Journey in Milas Village


In Milas Village, a captivating journey unfolds, starting with the ancient art of silk production. Women with years of expertise demonstrate the intricate process, from the silkworm emerging from its cocoon to silk drawing, creating balls using a tool called “gekuli,” and finally, spinning with a spindle to transform it into a ball.

An 80-year-old woman, radiating a timeless grace, skillfully spins thread with a spindle before weaving on a loom. The silk, twisted around a pencil and arranged on sticks in a row, is then placed in wood with a hole. The warp is aligned according to the desired measure, fixed to the weaver’s reed, and attached to the loom. As the weaving commences, the silk twists around the bobbin, attached inside the weaving shuttle. Tourists are even invited to try their hand at this fascinating process A Hidden Gem in the Aegean Region.

According to Nuray Agagarasi, an expert in weaving, o

A Hidden Gem in the Aegean Region


Milas, a province often overlooked during travels through the bustling region of Izmir, reveals its hidden beauty when explored off the beaten path. Those who chance upon Milas or learn about it later regret missing out on this stunning province.

A Historical Star with Antique Cities

Milas, once the capital city of the Karye civilization, shines as a historical star in the Aegean region. Formerly known as Mylasa, its name change over time reflects the province’s rich history. The monuments, crafted from marble sourced from the nearby Sodra Mountain, stand resilient, silently awaiting visitors.

Comakdag Village’s Wedding Tradition

In Milas, a unique excitement surrounds the traditional weddings in Comakdag Village. Locals, proud of their history and culture, eagerly share their richness with tourists. The residents of Comakdag, preserving centuries-old traditions, extend invitations to tourists to partake in their weddings and envision orga

Anatolia’s Largest Preserved Hot Spring


Allianoi stands as Anatolia’s most extensive and well-preserved hot spring, housed within a spacious closed area of 70,000 square meters. In 1908, an enthusiastic team of young excavators initiated efforts to uncover the mysteries of Allianoi before its potential inundation. Seeking sponsorship, they established the Association of the Dam of Yortanli Pergamum to support their cause.

Restoration and Conservation Efforts

To safeguard Allianoi from impending submersion, a dedicated restoration and conservation team was assembled. Their meticulous examination of each find, documented through drawings, black-and-white, transparent, colorful, and digital registrations Traditional Silk Journey in Milas Village, set a model for archaeological excavations. Scientific criteria guided the classification of materials, and selected pieces were transported to the Museum of Pergamum for exhibition. The archaeological d

Allianoi’s Impending Submersion


A Race Against Time

Historical Health Center Threatened

For seven years, dedicated archaeologists have been tirelessly excavating Allianoi, a legendary health center situated 18 km northeast of Pergamum in western Turkey. Nestled amidst the Yortanli Dam’s pool, this ancient site reveals a once-thriving complex of squares, streets, monumental gates, bridges, fountains, stores, accommodation spaces, ceramic ovens Elevating Bozcaada, cult buildings, churches, and other monumental structures—all centered around healing waters.

Project Threatening History and Ecology

However, a looming threat casts a shadow over Allianoi and the fertile lands surrounding Yortanli Dam. The dam project, designed for irrigation using artesian wells, not only poses a risk to the historical remains but also endangers the ecological balance of the region. This cultural legacy, preserved for centuries, faces extinction without comprehe

Isaac Comnenus 8