
Stoletov Bulgaria tours to remember ‘And today, every time there’s a storm in the mountain,The summit recalls this grim day and, recountingThe story, its echoing...
Wonder or strong belief Is it a wonder or a strong belief? Do the nestinari (fire dancers) have special skills or energy? Where does this...
Travel Ottoman Bulgaria to see, taste and feel a past not forgotten. No doubt it’s not forgotten. How could it be?! It’s 500 years...

Balkan Tours

Balkan tours – adventurous and relaxing journey Balkan tours – reading books and watching films about Balkan countries is a good start. Thus you get...
Balkan Peninsula has always been one of the attractive and mysterious destinations around the world. With Balkan Tours 2020 – 2021 you have the chance...

Danube frontier


Apollo Temple Pamukkale


Isaac Comnenus 12