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Cavalleria Rusticana part 5

Now that the husband was home again, Turridu no longer wasted his days in the little street, but drowned his sorrow at the tavern with his friends; and on Easter eve they had on...

Cavalleria Rusticana part 4

“I am crazy about you,” Turridu would say; “I am losing my sleep and my appetite.” “I dont believe it!” “I wish I was the son of Victor Emmanuel, so that I could marry you!” “I dont...

Cavalleria Rusticana part 3

“Id like to take her from under his very eyes, the dirty dog!” he muttered. Across from Alfios house lived Master Cola, the vine-grower, who was rich as a porker, so they said, and had...

Cavalleria Rusticana part 2

“It is a blessing to have sight of you!” said he. “Oh, friend Turridu, I was told that you came back around the first of the month.” “And I too was told many other things besides!”...

Cavalleria Rusticana part 1

Giovanni Verga (1840—1922) With Verga we find ourselves in modern times. The dawn of the Nineteenth Century found Italy in the full flood of that romanticism that was popularized by Byron and Scott. The figure...

The Shipwreck of Simonides 1

Phaedrus (15 B.C.?—55 A.D.?) It was the chief distinction of this writer to have collected the Fables of Jesop (or whoever it was who wrote Alsops works) and rewritten them for the Romans. His collection...

The Matron of Ephesus 2

Maidservant But she was ill-pleased by such commonplace consolation, and smote her breast more violently than ever, tearing out her hair and throwing it upon the body before her. Still, the young soldier did not...

The Jackal 2

The rest of the jackals, seeing him of such a fine complexion, prostrated themselves before him, and said: “According as Your Highness commands!” By this step he made himself honored by his own relations,...

The Haunted House 2

Intermingle On being thus left to himself, he marked the spot with some grass and leaves which he plucked. Next day he applied to the magistrates, and urged them to have the spot in question...

The Dove and the Crow 1

The Dove And The Crow (Anonymous: 2nd Century B.C. or later) It is thought that the collection of fables now known as the Panchatantra had assumed definite shape at least as early as the Sixth...

Zheravna Festival


Fly Pegasus


Isaac Comnenus 3