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The First Crusade part 27

So this Drungaire of the fleet I have mentioned went forth, and anticipating Bohemund’s intentions, repaired the town and restored it to its former condition. He also rebuilt Seleucia and made it surer by...

The First Crusade part 26

The survivors of the Pisan fleet turned their attention to pillaging whatever islands they touched and especially Cyprus; Philocales Eumathius happened to be there and advanced against them. At this the sailors were so...

The First Crusade part 25

When the Pisans caught sight of them they speedily arranged their fleet in battle-order and whetted their minds, as well as their swords, for the fray. As the Roman fleet was drawing near, a...

The First Crusade part 24

Butumites meanwhile with Monastras and the picked officers who remained with him, reached Cilicia and found that the Armenians had already concluded a truce with Tancred. So he passed them by and seized Marasin...

The First Crusade part 23

Yet we captured Antioch unexpectedly and utterly routed the troops which had come from Chorosan to succour Antioch. In what way would it be just for us to deprive ourselves willingly of what we...

The First Crusade part 22

Then the Turks made a sudden descent upon the camp and carried off everything and afterwards pursued and overtook the infantry and annihilated them completely, except for a few whom they captured and carried...

The First Crusade part 21

The Emperor knew that this plan was quite inexpedient and as he did not wish such a large crowd to perish (for they were fifty thousand horse and a hundred thousand foot) he tried...

The First Crusade part 20

The Emperor entrusted the Duke of Cyprus with the erection of such a fort and ordered him to dispatch the fleet quickly with all the requisites and also the masons to build this fort...

The First Crusade part 19

But Godfrey after being again elected king of Jerusalem sent his brother Balduinus to Edessa. Then the Emperor ordered Isangeles to hand over Laodicea to Andronicus Tzintziluces and the forts of Maraceus and Balaneus...

The First Crusade part 18

VII The tidings of the Franks’ expedition was brought to Amerinmes, Prince of Babylon, and he heard how they had taken Jerusalem and also occupied Antioch, and several other towns in its vicinity, so...

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Isaac Comnenus 21