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Adana’s Aspirations


Adana’s Aspirations Through the Voices of Its People

Chairman of GUKTOB (Union of Tourism Hotels in Cukurova) and Owner of Zaimoglu Hotel Shares Insights

Adana’s dedicated residents, striving to propel the city into a tourist destination Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled, express their thoughts:

Tourism Potential and Infrastructure

“When we assess Adana’s current potential, we find a well-established tourism infrastructure, historical landmarks, and accommodations ranging from five-star hotels to boardinghouses. The only missing element is the sea. While we have the sea, the lack of facilities hinders its utilization. Presently, private sector efforts drive our promotions, but this alone falls short. External factors, such as the Gulf Crisis and misconceptions fueled by foreign media coverage of Incirlik Air Base, have adversely affecte

Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled


Adana’s Rich Heritage and Tourism Potential Unveiled

Adana’s Mythical Origins and Historical Significance

According to mythology, Adana traces its roots to the wars between “Adanus” and “Sarus,” the sons of the god of skies, battling the people of Tarsus. The region was named “Adania” after Adanus. The fertility bestowed by the Taurus Mountains’ rivers—Seyhan, Ceyhan, and Berdan—has made the Cukurova Region (Cilicia) significant for millennia. Despite facing challenges from migrations, Adana remains a prominent city Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage, often recognized as the fourth largest in Turkey.

A Modern Revitalization Effort

In recent years, Adana faced a loss of contemporary appeal due to significant migrations, particularly from Southwest Anatolia. However, determined efforts by local administrations, social organizations

Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage


TURSAB and TERSAV’s Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage

A significant delegation, including the President of the Turkey Travel Agencies Association (TORSAB) Basaran Ulusoy, TURSAB president advisors Prof. Dr. Refik Duru, and Architect Nur Qapa, along with TURSAB professionals, took part in the 68th-anniversary celebration of the Bergama Kermess. The group engaged in various activities, including the opening of the 1st Bergama Industry and Trade Fair, organized by the Bergama Chamber of Commerce (BTO). Additionally, they conducted an investigative journey to Bergama Acropolis, Kizil Avlu, and the ancient city of Allionai near Bergama Adana’s Aspirations.

Exploring Bergama’s Hidden Treasures: A Promising Journey

During a two-day exploration, the delegation participated in the opening ceremony of the trade fair and ventured into the historical sites of Bergama. The group emphasized the tourism potent

Isaac Comnenus 44

Concerning the Duke’s Presentation to Comnenus, His Nomination As Emperor, and The Opinions of Isaa — ‘S Relatives About Him89. It was not surprising, therefore, that when he was summoned on this occasion by...

Isaac Comnenus 43

87. Despite his qualities, Constantine had a hearty contempt for offices of great dignity and preferred to live in retirement. He used to dress in a rather careless fashion, going about like a country...

Isaac Comnenus 42

84. His lineages therefore, was enough to cover the man with glory, but no one, in attempting a biography of Constantine himself, would be wrong if he referred to him as an Achilles. Just...

Isaac Comnenus 41

82. I gave her my word of honour, before she could say another word, that I had never entertained such a thought. More than that, I asked the sick man who had advised him...

Isaac Comnenus 40

They exhorted him to go at once to the Great Palace, so that there he might make any decisions that were necessary. They were anxious, too, lest the family should fall on evil times...

Isaac Comnenus 39

76. At once he embarked on the imperial trireme and put in at Blachernae. Back in the palace, he felt easier and revelled in the change. He talked in a rather provincial dialect,**218 cracking...

Isaac Comnenus 38

He would stay at an imperial lodge outside the city, a place surrounded by sea and equipped well enough to please ordinary huntsmen of either kind, but not to the satisfaction of Isaac. He...

Fly Pegasus


Isaac Comnenus 15

