
Isaac Comnenus 7

The Sending of the Embassy to Comnenus15. The emperor therefore, after waiting a few days, asked me to come to terms with Comnenus. I was to lead an embassy on his behalf, with secret...

Isaac Comnenus 6

12. We were therefore at a disadvantage in two respects, and even before it was decided to make war, the attitude of our generals proved our undoing.The rank and file, on the other hand,...

Isaac Comnenus 5

The Various Counsels Put Forward to the Emperor with Regard to the Rebellion10. Well, I bore him no malice and my advice to him was to take the following three measures at once. I...

Isaac Comnenus 4

8. Isaac’s first order was that they should keep to their own separate groups and avoid any disorderly mingling and confusion. They were to advance in silence, preserving the ranks and companies in which...

Isaac Comnenus 3

So, after waiting a few days, they assembled in one place**171 and concerted their plans. Even so, their deliberations were not completed before a gallant army was already flocking to their standard. A host...

Isaac Comnenus 2

Then, having made their leader stand forth in the centre of the group, together with his second-in-command — Isaac Comnenus**166 was the chief man in the deputation and Cecaumenus, from Colonus, was the other**167...

Isaac Comnenus 1

Isaac Comnenus 1057-1059Beginning of the Reign of Michael The Aged. (This Emperor Held Power for One Year)1. Apparently, the last few emperors were convinced that they were firmly established once the civil element acclaimed...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital B for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you can see on your Bulgaria vacations.Bulgaria is the Thracians –...


Facing the Mediterranean on one side and the atlantic on the other, Toulouse is one of europes oldest settlements.Art day and nightToulouse is among the most vibrant cities not just of France but of...


Eco from Left to RightTo those who ask how he writes his novels, Umberto Eco replies drily, “from left to right". Eco has titled his book Confessions of a Young Novelist in a humorous...

Isaac Comnenus 35