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Isaac Comnenus 28

55. This emperor also having quickly met his end — I will pass over his nephew who, after a wretched reign, came to an...

Isaac Comnenus 27

52. After the death of Basil the Great (Basil the son of Romanus,**204 whose family inherited the Empire to the third generation) his brother,...

Isaac Comnenus 26

He did this, not because he grudged the Roman Empire the acquisition of new territory, but because he knew that an imperialist policy of...

Isaac Comnenus 25

48. More than any other man he was laconic in the extreme, not expressing all his ideas in so many words, yet leaving no...

Isaac Comnenus 24

In fact, they anticipated a time of wonderful prosperity. With regard to the emperor’s character, people who met him only at certain times, when...

Isaac Comnenus 23

43. The emperor Michael the Aged had spent one whole year in power. He died soon after his abdication, a private citizen.**196 The Reign of...

Isaac Comnenus 22

41. Isaac himself was neither deceived by this hollow triumph nor unduly elated. His first reaction was to suspect the extraordinary changes in his...

Isaac Comnenus 21

He asked me what in my opinion was the best way to govern, what course of action he should follow in order to rival...

Isaac Comnenus 20

38. How my fellow-ambassadors passed that night**191 I cannot say, but to me life seemed hopeless and I thought it was a matter of...

Isaac Comnenus 19

Apparently, certain seditious and troublesome persons — and here he mentioned individuals who, as we ourselves know quite well, had insinuated themselves into favour...



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Isaac Comnenus 44