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Tag: Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage

Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage


TURSAB and TERSAV’s Exploration of Bergama’s Rich Heritage

A significant delegation, including the President of the Turkey Travel Agencies Association (TORSAB) Basaran Ulusoy, TURSAB president advisors Prof. Dr. Refik Duru, and Architect Nur Qapa, along with TURSAB professionals, took part in the 68th-anniversary celebration of the Bergama Kermess. The group engaged in various activities, including the opening of the 1st Bergama Industry and Trade Fair, organized by the Bergama Chamber of Commerce (BTO). Additionally, they conducted an investigative journey to Bergama Acropolis, Kizil Avlu, and the ancient city of Allionai near Bergama Adana’s Aspirations.

Exploring Bergama’s Hidden Treasures: A Promising Journey

During a two-day exploration, the delegation participated in the opening ceremony of the trade fair and ventured into the historical sites of Bergama. The group emphasized the tourism potent

Laleli from the Ashes




Isaac Comnenus 35


Silence part 2