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Isaac Comnenus 1057-1059

Beginning of the Reign of Michael The Aged. (This Emperor Held Power for One Year)

Apparently, the last few emperors were convinced that they were firmly established once the civil element acclaimed them. Indeed, their close relations with these persons were such that the emperors believed the throne was safely ensured beyond all dispute if the civilians were well-disposed. Naturally, therefore, as soon as they took up the sceptre it was to the civil party that they granted the right to speak in their presence before all others.

If they evinced pleasure, if they uttered flattering speeches and gave vent to a little nonsensical clap-trap, then the emperors needed no further assistance. It was as if they had the sanction of God. Really, of course, their power rests on three factors: the people, the Senate, and the army. Yet while they minimized the influence of the military, imperial favours were granted to the other two as soon as a new sovereign acceded.

Isaac Comnenus – In the case of the aged Michael the conferring of honours surpassed the bounds of propriety. He promoted individuals, not to the position immediately superior to that they already occupied, but elevated them to the next rank and the one above that. In fact, the emperor’s courtiers had only to put themselves forward as candidates for a fourth promotion and he would readily consider their claims. Thereupon another, standing at his other side and plucking at his other sleeve, so to speak, would ask for and get a fifth. His generosity led to a state of absolute chaos.
The Generals’ Deputation to The Emperor Michael
When this came to the ears of the soldiers, and among them those who held positions of command and were crack troops,**164 they came to Byzantium too, with the object of winning equal honours for themselves, or even greater ones. A day was therefore fixed for them to have audience with the emperor and I myself was present on the occasion, standing beside him. The men who came into his presence were noble warriors, men of fine reputation.

Isaac Comnenus 24

In fact, they anticipated a time of wonderful prosperity. With regard to the emperor’s character, people who met him only at certain times, when...

Isaac Comnenus 23

43. The emperor Michael the Aged had spent one whole year in power. He died soon after his abdication, a private citizen.**196 The Reign of...

Isaac Comnenus 22

41. Isaac himself was neither deceived by this hollow triumph nor unduly elated. His first reaction was to suspect the extraordinary changes in his...

Isaac Comnenus 21

He asked me what in my opinion was the best way to govern, what course of action he should follow in order to rival...

Isaac Comnenus 20

38. How my fellow-ambassadors passed that night**191 I cannot say, but to me life seemed hopeless and I thought it was a matter of...

Isaac Comnenus 19

Apparently, certain seditious and troublesome persons — and here he mentioned individuals who, as we ourselves know quite well, had insinuated themselves into favour...

Isaac Comnenus 18

The effect of this was instantaneous. He was like a man inspired. Immediate orders were given to the army: the men were to dismiss...

Isaac Comnenus 17

A special imperial tent will have to be set aside for his use and a noble bodyguard must be allowed for his protection. And...

Isaac Comnenus 16

We swore to preserve the secrecy of this confidential information, and he went on: ‘For the present I do not covet supreme power. I...

Isaac Comnenus 15

31. My words, assisted by numerous ether arguments, had already convinced him, when a cry rose up behind me, a cry which from that...

The First Crusade part 4


Isaac Comnenus 1


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